Money Hangups? Read This!

I finally got "Money is Spiritual" into a hard copy version.

Is money an issue for you?

Is your attitude about money steeped in repulsion, shame, and guilt?
Do you harbor a scarcity and poverty mentality?
Do your ideas about money prevent you from getting it, owning it, and enjoying it?
Do you suspect you are only living a fraction of what your life could be because of money?
Do you swing between guilt for having money and the desire to have money?

Then this book is for you! You’re going to read about…

How my unhealthy attitudes about money developed;
How we may spiritualize negativity about money;
How spiritual leaders handle the money issue;
How to understand the nature of money;
How we often rely on being rescued rather than helping ourselves;
How to overcome your sense of victimhood;
How to learn to value yourself, what you do, and what you create;
How the hardest question for you to answer might be, “What do you want?”;
How shaming from others causes you to shrink back;
How appreciating money can unlock new and exciting doors for you;
How having money can open your eyes to its deeper nature;
and so much more.


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