3 Funny Easter Cartoons and Comics

3 Funny Easter Cartoons and Comics

David Hayward
1 minute read

I draw a mixture of cartoons. Some of them are silly. Some are poignant. Some are sad. Some are provocative. Some are serious. And, I sincerely hope, some are funny.

Here are some of my most popular light-hearted Easter cartoons.

What A Weekend Easter Cartoon

I call this one "What a Weekend!", an exclamation partiers usually use to describe a fun weekend with their friends. But in this case, it's about something a little more serious and consequential.

what a weekend cartoon nakedpastor david hayward


Jesus Double Espresso Cartoon

I like this one especially because I like coffee. I call this one "Double Espresso". I find a single shot just doesn't cut it for me. I need a double. Sometimes a triple. I imagined Jesus waking up from a recent crucifixion and three says dead in a tomb and needing something stronger than decaf or one shot.

double espresso cartoon nakedpastor david hayward

Jesus Resurrection Cartoon 

Do you ever imagine Jesus as a boy, learning how to be the Saviour of the world? Like this cartoon where he's practicing his resurrection skills on a family dinner.

stop resurrecting the food cartoon nakedpastor david hayward


Thanks for enjoying my work. 

Stay tuned for more.

Happy Easter!

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