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I want to read excellent books that actually say something, that challenge my paradigms and renew my mind. To be honest, it is getting more difficult.
I also want to write excellent books that actually say something, that challenge paradigms, and that change minds. To be honest, it is difficult. I'm insecure about it. I wonder if I can do this. Am I able? But, if I am, I want someone with influence to say so. If I'm not, I don't want my benign book sent out there fueled by vacuous reviews and empty endorsements.
Let's be frank: There's nothing" wrong with writing books. There's nothing wrong with marketing them. There's nothing wrong with selling them. There's nothing wrong with making good money from a successful book. For me, the issue isn't quantity, but quality. Sure, I would like to increase my income by the success of a book, but I want to be proud of the book that earns it.
What if we agree to only endorse that which is good and send us back to the desk if it's not?" I want to read important books. And, yes, I want to write them.