Do You Give Space for Diversity Of Beliefs in your Family?

In a world where conformity is often expected, Lisa and I made a conscious decision to embrace something different: authenticity. We realized early on that true love isn’t about shaping each other or our kids to fit a mold, but about giving space to grow as individuals. This choice has made all the difference in our family’s journey.

Actually, “allowing” them feels like the wrong word. It wasn’t about us giving permission. It was about getting out of the way and giving them the space to discover who they truly are.

I drew this cartoon, A Family at the Bookstore, to capture this. In it, a family of six explores different sections: one is looking at Buddhism, another at Christianity, another at New Age, one in Atheism, another in Science, and the last in Philosophy. It’s a snapshot of the beautiful diversity that thrives when people are free to explore and become themselves, without judgment or fear.

"A Family at the Bookstore" cartoon by nakedpastor David Hayward



Because of this approach, Lisa is her authentic self, I’m my authentic self, and our kids? They’re all growing into who they were meant to be. And it's been a joy to witness that process. Watching each of us embrace who we are has reinforced the importance of being your authentic self in a world that often demands otherwise.

But here’s the thing—it’s not easy to create this kind of freedom. You have to let go of the fear that’s been ingrained in so many of us: the fear from religion, authority figures, or even family members who insist that if you don’t conform, you’ll somehow fail, or worse, end up in Hell.

Love realizes this is a lie.
Love lets live.
Love is manifested in diversity, NOT conformity, uniformity, and homogeneity.

As I keep saying, it is not compatibility of beliefs that unifies us, but love.

I talk all about this in my new book, "Til Doubt Do Us Part: When Changing Beliefs Change Your Marriage", available on Amazon and Kindle.

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