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I noticed a decline in my mental health about two years ago.
It had a lot to do with the news.
So I stopped watching it. A few weeks ago we got rid of cable. We are taking active steps to stay off the screen as much as possible. That's hard to do since all of my business is online. But it must be done if I'm to take care of my mental health.
I think we can all agree that we should seek our own happiness. Mental health is good.
I think we can all agree that we should also seek justice in this world. Peace is good.
How do we do that?
How can we be happy and aware at the same time?
How can we be happy and angry at the same time?
I'm figuring that out on a daily basis.
But I think a good place to start is to acknowledge the dilemma and work on it.
Equanimity in the midst of chaos is a worthy goal.