Does the Mormon Church Bully People?

Does the Mormon Church Bully People?

I often get emails and messages from people who have left or are still in the Mormon Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I'm frequently reminded that, apparently, there are many Mormons, and many in Utah, who follow my blog, read my posts, and appreciate my cartoons.

Anonymously. Yes.

mormon bully cartoon nakedpastor david hayward

(Click on the cartoon Mormon Bully for a digital download of it.)

Those who have the nerve to contact me tell me that they have to keep this a secret because if it was ever discovered that they were critical of the Mormon Church, they would suffer dearly for it.

This is not uncommon for many Christians in many churches other than Mormon.

An ex-Mormon (which I'm learning is something very difficult to become) contacted me and asked if I could do a cartoon about abuse with the Angel of Moroni on the steeple, as well as an LGBTQ person and an elderly person with a cane.

I'm sending her the original drawing today.

(Did you know you can commission me for a cartoon or drawing too. Just go here and choose what you want!)

Lots of people in lots of churches are being bullied and controlled by those churches. Including Mormon ones.Ā 

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1 comment

Thank you so much for posting this. I am a Mormon but my belief in the church is gone. They not only discriminate against gay people, but also women. There is ā€œchurch doctrineā€ against gays. And against black people until 1978. I decided to cut out the middle man and find my own relationship with God and Jesus.

Julia C Woolley

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