Exposing the Reality of Spiritual Abuse in the Church

This cartoon portrays what happens too often in the Church in general and Christianity as a whole. Sheep scattered, slaughtered. One says to another, “You still got to admit he was a great teacher though.”

This happens in businesses, universities, politics, families, and so many places.
But we’re talking about the church because it boasts being so good to and for people.

still a great teacher though cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward

Too many highly respected spiritual leaders leave victims in their wake. I’ve experienced this and I know so many others who have as well. I have stories and I hear stories every single day.

It’s not rare. 

It’s rampant.

My cartoons and posts on spiritual abuse get reactions from many claiming I focus on a rarity in the Church. They are usually angry and defensive. 

They say things like

  • Why are you so bitter? 
  • How dare you attack Christ’s bride whom he died for!
  • This hardly happens.
  • You’re just trying to make us look bad to the world.
  • Do you have to be so negative?
  • You’re in the Church so don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  • You aren’t in the Church so you have no right to criticize it. 

Mind your own business!

I claim spiritual abuse, from control to sexual assault, is rampant in the Church. It’s all over the internet.

What Makes The Church The Perfect Culture For Abuse.

The Church has long been a place of refuge for many, but it also contains the ideal conditions for abuse. Here's why:

  • Ignorance of systemic evil;
  • The lack of accountability;
  • Leader adulation;
  • Predation of women and children;
  • Fear of criticizing something sacred;
  • Submission as a value;

These elements together create an environment where spiritual abuse can thrive. To ignore or deny this reality is both ignorant and harmful. Victims are silenced, their pain dismissed, and their experiences erased in the pursuit of preserving an idealized image of the Church. Ultimately, people are sacrificed for the sake of the institution. I've written more about these dynamics in my post, 10 Reasons Why The Church Is The Perfect Culture For Abuse.

When someone says their church doesn’t spiritually abuse I think one of three things: 

1. They are right and are therefore fortunate.
2. They don’t recognize spiritual abuse because we are so used to being assaulted every week and expect to be dominated by their leaders.
3. Spiritual abuse is rebranded as discipline or authority or our weakness and unwillingness to submit.

I try to convince people that spiritual abuse is real and it’s wrong.  Period.

Accountability Matters

Spiritual abuse thrives when power goes unchecked, victims are silenced, and accountability is ignored. The Church has the potential to heal, but too often it becomes a place of harm.

We must shine a light on these issues and demand accountability to protect those who’ve been hurt. Learn more in my post, Holding the Church Accountable for Abuse.

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