Change Doesn't Always Have to be Difficult and Ugly

I visited a butterfly house.

Of course my mind was turned to Sophia, especially my drawing of her, "Metamorphosis".

sophia metamorphosis drawing nakedpastor david hayward

A friend of mine takes care of the chrysalises and butterflies. I was surprised to see many different ones.

One is a very shiny silver and the other is a very shiny gold. Amazing and breathtaking beauty!

It made me acknowledge that change, transformation, doesn't always have to be difficult and ugly. Of course, often it is. In fact, sometimes it feels impossible. Like... inside those cocoons is goo. Not nice.

Which is why so many people resist it.

Change can be adventurous, exciting, and full of happiness as we change from one thing into something else.

The people I see changing might be experiencing some difficulty and feel ugly at the time, but frequently from my perspective they are becoming even more beautiful, amazing and marvellous.

During change, we not only lose things. This can be difficult and ugly. But we also gain things. This can be pleasurable and beautiful.

I'm watching this happen all the time in my online communities.Ā 

I invite you to buy THE LIBERATION OF SOPHIA... a book about my change told through the story of a woman who changes.

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