"Jenga Block Faith" cartoon by nakedpastor David Hayward

Jenga Block Faith: Are Your Beliefs About to Topple?

David Hayward
1 minute read
"Jenga Block Faith" cartoon by nakedpastor David Hayward This cartoon is very personal. If you like it you can buy the original or a print of it HERE. This is when my deconstruction really began. It was way back in seminary in 1983 when I was about to graduate from my Masters in Biblical Studies. My firm belief in the inspiration of scripture was pulled. Little did I know that this would start a series of collapses in the rest of my beliefs. My whole theology, over the many years, eroded to the point in 2009 I was ready to throw in the towel and give up altogether. Then I had a dream that delivered to me the peace of mind I'd been searching for for decades. Did I throw away the blocks? Did I reject the meaning these symbols we call beliefs attempted to articulate? Or did they alchemize into something more pure and true? But I'm repeating myself. You can read about my journey in my book Questions are the Answer. I facilitate an online community of people who have experience with this. I welcome you.
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