At what point do the accretions cause the deletions? I just had to say that cuz it sounds like a Pentecostal preacher! It means: At what point do the additions to Jesus leave Jesus behind?
I've been watching
Preachers of L.A.. I actually find the pastors and their wives endearing. Listen... I totally get this show. I spent many years in Pentecostalism and went to a Pentecostal bible college where I met my Pentecostal wife. I was also in the Vineyard movement which is also a charismatic denomination. So these are my people! I understand everything they're talking about. This is familiar territory for me. And I love them all. Just like
Pastor Steven Furtick with his controversial mansion. I'm sure he's a great guy. And spread over his greatness is his style of Christianity. We could focus on the money, the women, the mansions, cars and their theology and practice of ministry. But beneath it all they are just people trying to do the right thing, help people and make a difference in the world. They are doing this, but there's this curious "... and...".
The paradigm within which they operate explains and justifies everything they think, say and do. And I find this fascinating because this doesn't just apply to them, but to everyone including you and me. We do what we want and find ways to validate it.
I've known this for a long time: religion often behaves like a veneer. We are all people with our own fears and fantasies and we use whatever is at our disposal to explain and justify them.
Jesus and...
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