Jesus, Love, and the LGBTQ+ Community

I received high praise this last weekend from a gay person who is also a lawyer.

They said something like this: “I want to thank you for your advocacy work for the LGBTQ+ community. It means so much. You have no idea how much you’re helping us and we really appreciate it. It helps to normalize us. Please keep up the good work.”

“Normalize”! Yes!

I’ve said this before.

When I draw Jesus happily being with the LGBTQ community without judgment but with love and joy, it challenges the stereotypical religious spirit that would never imagine this could happen.

"The Puzzle of Love" cartoon by nakedpastor David Hayward



It also encourages people who are LGBTQ to see themselves simply loved and accepted as who they are.

Here’s Jesus with a diverse community putting together a puzzle of love.

I hope you like it. You can get a print of it in my shop.
Thanks for supporting my work.

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Is this version available in a digital download? If so, what are the licensing terms? We would love to use it as the front cover for our Pride service (and Wedding) in November, and would like to know how to do so legally. We are grateful for your work, as a growing faith community of 90% LGBTQ+ folks.

Jessie Thompson

Would also love a print option of this version to add to my Xmas wishlist!!


Is this version available in a digital download? If so, what are the licensing terms?


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