The Unpredictable Journey of Finding Yourself

Those who assume authority over us and those who hold our community memberships can be tricky with their language.

Yes, you’re allowed to ask questions. As long as they are the prescribed ones.
Yes, you’re allowed to search. As long as you find what we planted.
Yes, you’re allowed to find yourself. As long as you become a person we can accept.

"The Risk of Finding Yourself" cartoon by nakedpastor David Hayward

The danger with questions, searching, and finding ourselves…
is that we cannot predict how things will turn out.

We cannot anticipate the answer.
We cannot determine what we find.
We cannot stipulate what we become.

I’ve counseled a ton of people who want a certain answer.
They want to find what they’re looking for.
They want to be a person they fantasize about.

The truth is true growth is truly scary and completely unpredictable.
Spiritual growth scares people because it demands surrender to the unknown.
It is a treacherous, though rewarding, journey into the complete unknown.
It is a deep-dive into unfathomable mystery where the best treasures are buried.

Take that trip!
Find yourself.
Pay the consequences.
Because it’s worth it.
All of it.

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1 comment

I’m reading this while walking/limping El Camino de Santiago, Camino Frances. I remember asking probing questions at age ten to the great irritation of the Nazarene pastor! I’m still asking those questions. Thank you for your work!

Beverly Straight

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