Being LGBTQ+ is More than Skin Deep

Being LGBTQ+ is More than Skin Deep

David Hayward
1 minute read

Being LGBTQ+ is not skin deep.
It’s an identity and I hope this image conveys that.

sheep conversion therapy cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward

Cartoon description: A white sheep shaves an LGBTQ+ rainbow sheep to get rid of the rainbow colors only to discover that the sheep’s skin is rainbow colors as well.


This is why conversion therapy is becoming more illegal in Canada (where i live) and many other countries around the world. And this is also why the Church should consider it illegal, immoral, and harmful as well.

People are literally suffering and dying because of the stupid idea that being LGBTQ+ is about perversion and lust rather than identity.

Whenever I try to explain to people who believe this I realize it's a losing game. They refuse to understand that being LGBTQ+ is about identity and that we have the right to choose and decide. So they’ll keep fighting for conversion therapy because they really do believe it's all in your head, you want to be perverted, and you want to lust without judgement. 

It’s not just infuriating. It’s harmful.

We can love the bigot, hate the bigotry.
I've seen people convert from hate to love.

Now THAT'S a conversion therapy I support! 

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My daughter came out to her dad and me when she was in middle school. Seriously, it was no big deal. Her partner of almost ten years transitioned to a male a couple of years ago and that, I confess, has been somewhat difficult to fully wrap our heads around. I think providing puberty blockers to children is extremely problematic and simply shouldn’t be done. I don’t see myself changing that opinion anytime soon.

I just discovered you and am grateful you’re here! I’ve always been an agnostic atheist but find myself yearning lately for some sort of notion of a god that resonates and strengthens me. Bible God has never been and will never be “it.”


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