Understanding The Loneliness Associated with Being Authentic

Understanding The Loneliness Associated with Being Authentic

David Hayward
2 minute read

No one warned me how lonely freedom and authenticity that came with my deconstruction process could be. 

In Moorjani’s book “Dying to be Me” she shares a near death experience that changed her. Maybe you experienced a near death experience in your spiritual life that changed you. I call it deconstruction… when we see the light and come back different.

A big change in Moorjani’s life is that she’s lonelier than before her experience:

“… although I have made some new friends… I seem to have difficulty reconnecting with many of my old ones. I’m not as social as I was in the past, and I don’t enjoy the same things. I had a lot of friends before, but now I only let a very, very few people into my private life, many of whom I met through an NDE group over the last few years…

“I’m also still devoted to my immediate family members– my husband, mother, and brother. They were with me right through my crisis and my hours of need, and I feel very attached to them. It’s become difficult for me to feel that close to others.

“It’s not that I try to be a loner…”

Because she’s fearlessly herself, there are few who understand her. 

Can you relate to this? I can. Have you lost that connection with some friends and family because they do not understand you anymore?

Your loneliness is often the consequence of being authentic and true to yourself.

There are only a few who get you, who are welcomed into your inner life because they don’t constantly judge you. You can relax with them.

Your previous self died and you came back different and now you can make new friends who’ve had a similar experience. Like me!

Much love my friends!

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This blog post could have been describing me. I feel very validated today! Thank you. I really needed to acknowledge and give space to the feelings of loneliness and honor the person that I have become.


I can say with complete honesty that this cartoon exactly describes my experience with my last parish. I haven’t been back since as the level of abuse was traumatic.

Gloriamarie Amalfitano

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