Cartoon Description: A man is in a cage he can walk out of. A woman says, “You do realize you could just walk out of there!” He says, “What makes you think I want to?”
I claim we are already free but most of us don’t know it.
One of the biggest lessons I learned was that when I feel trapped it’s because I’m afraid to live my freedom.
One day I went to bed depressed and hopeless about my future. I felt trapped for the rest of my life. But that night I had a dream that awakened me laughing because I realized I wasn’t trapped. I was just afraid of quitting my job, putting my family at risk, and walking into a completely uncertain future. Legitimate fears. But I realized I wasn’t trapped. I was just afraid of the risks of manifesting my freedom.
Are you feeling trapped?
Like me, it could be that you’re afraid of the physical, financial, social, spiritual, etc., costs of living your freedom. Legitimate.
Imagine living free!
Your mind might respond: Well I can’t do that because I have no money. He might hurt me. I’d lose my home. I would lose the support of my family. I might lose friends. I might not ever find another job. I could end up on the street. People will think I’m crazy.
I understand if you are reluctant to live your freedom. I totally get it.
Listen: I’ve walked out of my cage of fear so many times, lived free, and life always changed for the better.
It’s because when you live your freedom it creates a whole new world, unimaginable new energy, and a joy that overcomes all obstacles.
I love listening to motivational sermons, especially from pastor keion haiti He has a good character and is a good speaker too. I hope more people find him and be motivated by his preachings.
That is a very powerful image and something to ponder upon. I want to share how amazing this pastor in houston tx – Keion Henderson is. I first came across Pastor Keion when when I saw the interview with TD Jakes and instantly became a fan. I’ve listened to his sermons on Youtube and then his Podcast.
That is a very powerful image and something to ponder upon. I want to share how amazing this pastor in houston tx – Keion Henderson is. I first came across Pastor Keion when when I saw the interview with TD Jakes and instantly became a fan. I’ve listened to his sermons on Youtube and then his Podcast.