What Does Spiritual Independence Mean?

Spiritual independence should not be confused with being alone. Here is a clip from an interview where I explain what I mean by Spiritual Independence and the reaction I have seen when I've used it in the past.

    I remember the backlash I received when I first introduced the concept of "spiritual independence". People preferred that I had said "interdependence". But in my mind they are mutually exclusive. I can be independent while interdependent with another. I use the relationship Lisa and I have as an example. We've been married 34 years. We have a pretty healthy relationship. It's taken tons of work though. It's not easy, but the rewards make it worth it. What we've had to learn is how to be independent adults who choose to love each other. I have to be healthy as an individual. Lisa has to be healthy as an individual. When these two healthy individuals relate, then, it is functional rather than dysfunctional. We can be interdependent rather than codependent. This is why I talk a lot about spiritual independence. I believe it is our right, our responsibility and our rewardĀ to be spiritually independent. Of course, those in authority are very uncomfortable with this because it suggests the relinquishing of control. But I feel it is absolutely necessary if we want to grow spiritually, even humanly.

    The Lasting Supper was launched for this reason and this is its purpose: to help people become and remain spiritually independent. I warmly invite you to join us. You will love it. And, more importantly, you will grow from it.

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