jesus and cell phones cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward

Jesus says to a man trying to sell him a cell phone, “No Kevin I don’t need a cell phone because I can do THIS and you should go straight home to your wife after work instead of what you were planning on doing!” 

I was taught that God knows every single thought I ever had.

No secrets. No private thoughts.

When I was a teenager, I couldn’t just not DO anything without it being known, but I couldn’t even THINK about it!

Jesus knew I was going to masturbate before I did!

I learned that on judgment day every thought I ever had was going to be displayed across a screen for everyone to see.

Then, when I was in churches that believe in prophets and prophecy, it went nuts! Now, not only did God know every nasty thing about me, but so did everyone God told my secrets to. 

How many times have I heard a Christian leader claim they could sense a spirit of rebellion or a spirit of false doctrine or a Judas spirit or a spirit of lust or a spirit of division or whatever in me and that they could search my heart and read my mind despite my protestations?

This is manipulative abuse.

Later in my spiritual walk, I discovered the intimacy of lovers and how, for example, Lisa and I can learn everything about each other in the context of love and joy and growth and adventure! A mutual and consensual nakedness.

There are two kinds of being fully known: the invasive kind which is rape and the intimate kind which is love.

Reject the first.
Enjoy the second.

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