Julie McMahon, Tony Jones, and Submergent: My Update

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The best they have is people coming here distorting what David Hayward is saying. People, such as Randy Buist, etc. that have even stalked those that had something to say about the issue.

Itā€™s really crazy that ToJoā€™s public defenders are all authors. I wonder whatā€™s it about being a writer that causes them to feel they need to defend a proven bad actor.


David, the genie is out of the box, with evidence! It can NEVER be put back in the box. For the rest of his days, with increasing volume, the story of Tony Jones, the abuser, will follow him. His infamy will increase and increase. RHEsā€™, NBWsā€™ & JVs influence will decrease. It will take time. Just a cloud the size of a mansā€™ hand. Then faster & faster until it becomes a downpour. Then ā€˜suddenlyā€™ at the end. Their behaviour will ruin them in the end. Might take years . . . but its inevitable, if they keep to their current path.


Wow, all great comments. I know youā€™re right.

Nakedpastor David Hayward

I agree with the previous comments, particularly the one about you creating another table and conversation. Iā€™m a British nobody from across the pond in this situation, but I did read RHE, really rated NBW when I heard her at Greenbelt a few years back, read Tony Jones and Brian McClaren on Emergent and post modern Christianity. However, since being a silent reader of all this stuff Iā€™m very sceptical about all of that. Not only that but Iā€™m particularly disappointed by Rachel and Nadia and wouldnā€™t commend them to others as being reliable commentators any more. Iā€™ve also talked about it all with friends and weā€™ve talked about what we, as church leaders, as women, and as Christians can learn from it about the way we deal with dissent and the stories of the abused.

Itā€™s not world changing, but it demonstrates that the narrative is now not controlled by those who thought they were controlling it, and that we ordinary folks do think for ourselves about what weā€™re told, as well as about the integrity of those who told us. It also demonstrates that this story is reaching a world-wide audience, to whom it matters a great deal.

Sarah F

And Jill has a good point. Itā€™s time to light a blaze that rushes past the gatekeepers.


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