Recognizing The Changes Associated With Shifts Your Beliefs

We all unravel our beliefs in our own way. That's why I champion spiritualĀ independence. Focus on being yourself and find your own path.

losing his religion cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward

A man on a couch depressed. His wife on the phone: ā€œSorry, he canā€™t come to the phone right now. Heā€™s losing his religion.ā€

Mental, emotional and social symptoms you may experience when

Mental Changes

Deconstruction usually starts in the mind, often initiated by trauma: an event that provokes doubt. It can be as simple as questioning the Bible, or the loss of a loved one that makes you question a caring God, or frustrating experiences in the Church or with religious people. A Doubt Virus lodges in your fevered brain that spreads, overtaking your certainty. Confusion sets in.

Emotional Changes

When youā€™re immersed in a religious culture but start questioning it, you experience withdrawal and grief. You may feel a mixture of sadness at the prospect of loss and elation at the hope of freedom. Confusion creates stress that you feel in our body. Youā€™re stuck between sadness and joy, conflict and peace, control and freedom. You count the cost of taking the next step because the risk feels high.

Social Changes

Youā€™ve become suspicious about submitting to authority and believing ideas unquestionably. You know youā€™re in for a bumpy ride as you contemplate breaking away from the Church, its leaders, and your peer group (family and friends), all of whom perpetually monitor you. You know if you take a stand for your spiritual independence you may find yourself all alone. Your social life will change.

But have hope!

Because I know you will progress beyond confusion to peace of mind.
You will finally feel authentically you, happy and free.
And youā€™ll learn how to navigate your present relationships and form new and healthier ones.

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