Understanding The Process of Leaving the Ministry

Are you a pastor who:

  1. Is struggling with the ministry?
  2. Is thinking of leaving the ministry?
  3. Has left the ministry?

pastor at closing time cartoon nakedpastor david hayward

I remember feeling like this pastor at the bar... depressed, confused, lonely, and a little bit desperate because I was feeling more and more disconnected from my work and the people I wanted to serve.

I finally realized what I needed: freedom. So I left the ministry and found it.
You can too! But that doesn't mean it was easy. Earlier this month I wrote a post that received quite a bit of attention called, Why It Is So Difficult For Pastors To Leave The Ministry. One of my points was "vocation" so I wrote this post,Tips For Exploring Your Future After Leaving The Ministry. I hope you find it helpful.

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