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The term "Messiah complex," also known as the "Savior complex," refers to a psychological phenomenon where an individual believes they have a special mission or calling to save, rescue, or help others. This belief can manifest in a variety of ways and can affect different aspects of a person's life. People with a Messiah complex may feel an intense need to fix the problems of others, take on the role of a savior, or believe that they are the only ones who can solve certain issues.
In the realm of psychology, individuals with a Messiah complex might be considered to have narcissistic or codependent tendencies. It's important for individuals who recognize these traits in themselves or others to seek support or therapy to better understand and address the underlying issues that drive this behavior. I was a pastor for about thirty years and I experienced first hand that many religious leaders have a Messiah complex.
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I am suffering with this myself. I promote God as my savior but deep down, I struggle with the thought that I am as powerful and all Knowing as God. It’s impacting how I treat others greatly. I hide behind a screen. I stream stock trading daily to thousands of people but really don’t know what I am doing. I lie about my wealth, how I made my money, my relationships, my religion… Everything. All to sell courses and promote lead generation for my real estate team that actually aren’t real realtors besides my brother. I used and took advantage of weak-minded and insecure individuals to make my money. I can’t stop the cycle but I am doing my best. My father is a pastor and he has a similar story to myself.