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I started The Lasting Supper for basically 3 reasons:
I had left the church community and was now left on my own. Ya, I know. I'm the one who left. But I wanted to hang out with people who were on a similar path and who understood what I was going through. I knew there were people out there like me, but there weren't any quality safe spaces where we could gather. So I created one! I'm glad I did. TLS has become my spiritual family.
to ask my questions and process my thoughts. Many of us know the dangers of being too honest or too vulnerable or too transparent or too authentic out loud. So, few of us risk it. But what if we were provided a place where we could do it without being ridiculed or rebuked or rejected? I couldn't find any place like that, so I created such a space where we just listen without needing to give our opinion. We give people the space and safety to heal themselves. And it's working!
Who are deconstructing or going through spiritual change. I've been there. I know how difficult and scary it is. So, I started TLS in 2012 for just this reason: to support people through their spiritual transitions. In fact, the reason I used the above cartoon is because a woman told me yesterday that this cartoon was the one that finally motivated her to reach out to me for help! I didn't expect TLS to become as effective as it did, and I also didn't expect the community to become as amazing as it has. One of the big lessons I learned from TLS is that we don't need another guru. We've been burned too many times by "leadership"> So I don't take that role. I'm not the leader. We are in this together. We are a team. And it's having a dynamic effect on the members because it empowers them to heal themselves and be their own best advocates. This makes me very happy. There is a small monthly fee for many reasons. It takes a considerable amount of work and energy facilitating an online community like TLS. The fee also contributes to its safety by providing a gateway that keeps out trolls and bullies. People who really want to invest in their own healing and progress appreciate its value.
So, The Lasting Supper has been going for about 10 years. It has done great things for many people! Our community is becoming an even more thriving, peaceful, loving, deep, and fun space to process your spiritual transition. Please join us! I will personally welcome and introduce you.