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Who You Be Lovin Digital Cartoon

Who You Be Lovin Digital Cartoon

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This ah-ha moment I had comes to you from Matthew’s gospel.

Years ago when I was a preacher I was studying Matthew in preparation for a sermon.

I remember the cold chill that coursed through me when I realized something that changed my life.

Matthew is interested in the Last Day. He writes a lot about standing before the Lord for judgment. Whether you believe this is literal or not, what matters is it indicates what Matthew thought was important.

In one story we all stand before God. We learn that not everyone who says “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?” enter into the kingdom.

In another story we learn that if you care for the least, you care for Jesus. That is, if you give food to the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome strangers, give clothes to the unclothed, care for the sick and visit prisoners, you enter into the kingdom.

What struck me was that those who assumed they should enter the kingdom claimed as their ticket for admission all very religious credentials- prophecy, casting out demons, and miracles. 

The ones who didn’t think they had admission into the kingdom in fact did, but they are all very non-religious deeds- just caring for people on a very basic level.

One group claimed beliefs and religious acts.

The other group just cared for people.

The fact that these stories are attributed to Jesus is crucial because it indicates what Jesus prioritized.

Not beliefs. But love.


Which option is right for me?

Personal: For use on your own personal devices, for one person only, or to print and use in your home or as a gift.  

 Non-Profit: Any non-profit use, including email, blogs, sermons, social media and presentations.  Perfect for youth groups and small organizations.

Profit: Acceptable for profit use, including: marketing, books, newsletters, magazines, or publications.  If you plan to print or use multiple copies of the artwork, for any reason, this option is right for you.  

Printing and reselling the artwork, or using the artwork on Print-on-Demand Products (mugs, t-shirts, etc.) is not allowed under any plan.

We also have a Digital Download Membership program where you have unlimited access to our full catalog of cartoons, illustrations, & artwork for one low monthly fee. 

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Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

Fill your home with validating art.

Fill your home with art you see yourself in.

Fill your home with healing art.

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Hey, I'm David.

I’m a pastor turned artist painting, drawing, and thinking about what it takes to be free to be you. If you’re interested in deconstruction, spiritual journeying, freedom of thought, or looking for your authentic self, you’re welcome to join me while I search too.

In case you’re wondering, I’m not actually naked. The idea behind my name, NakedPastor, is to seek to tell the naked truth - no matter how vulnerable it feels. I used to be a pastor but I’ve been creating art and working towards freedom with this community for over 10 years now.

My Story
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