How Forgiveness Culture Can Cultivate Abuse Culture

What Is Spiritual Abuse?

Spiritual abuse is when someone in a position of spiritual authority manipulates, controls, or harms others under the guise of faith or religion. It can involve using scripture, doctrine, or divine authority to exploit, shame, or dominate individuals, often leaving them feeling trapped or unworthy.

This abuse happens in churches, families, or any spiritual community, and it deeply wounds a person's relationship with themselves, others, and their God. It’s a betrayal of trust that twists something sacred into a tool for power. 

Healing from spiritual abuse begins by recognizing the abuse, seeking support, and reclaiming your spiritual autonomy.

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When Forgiveness Enables Abuse

Unhealthy ideas about forgiveness perpetuate the abuse of power and the powerlessness of victims. The church, being the expert on forgiveness, has become the perfect culture for abuse.

Abusers thrive on forgiveness, and the abused are weakened under the requirement to forgive.

But, isn't it the church's mission to correct the abuse of power and to empower the weak?

To teach that forgiveness means restoration to the way things were keeps power in the hands of the abusers and keeps the victims vulnerable.

Practically, this is how it should look: The abuser is immediately removed from positions of access to their prey, and the abused may forgive the abuser in their time, can require reparations, and demand they stay away from them.

It's very simple: Take power away from the abuser. Empower the abused.

Have you left the church and are lonely? Do you want support getting your power back? Join us at The Lasting Supper and we'll walk with you with respect.

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