How to sneakily let everyone know where you are spiritually

I forget how scary it was for me when I started exposing my changing beliefs online. I remember the first time I shared a cartoon that felt deeply personal; my heart raced, and I wondered how my friends and family would react.

My cartoons were a subversive way to reveal myself and challenge the status quo. Over time, I realized that this fear was a shared experience. Many people have reached out to me, expressing their own fears of sharing their beliefs publicly.

sharing nakedpastor cartoons cartoon by nakedpastor david hayward

Cartoon Description: A man and a woman are at a table with their coffee and tea, their phones, and their laptops. The man says, "I need a quick and easy way to let people know I don't believe the same things anymore." She responds, "You could share a nakedpastor cartoon."


But here’s the thing: sharing my work not only helped me feel seen but also connected me with others who felt the same way. I’ve heard from individuals who have used my cartoons as a gentle way to signal their spiritual shifts to family and friends. It’s incredible to see how art can bridge those gaps and foster understanding.

So, if you’re feeling apprehensive about sharing your own journey, remember that you’re not alone. Embracing vulnerability can be a powerful step in your journey. I encourage you to embrace your truth and share my cartoons far and wide. Together, we can create a space where it’s safe to explore our beliefs openly.

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1 comment

LOL love your cartoons! Thought I’d share how amazing this pastor in houston tx – Keion Henderson is. I first came across Pastor Keion when when I saw the interview with TD Jakes and instantly became a fan. I’ve listened to his sermons on Youtube and then his Podcast.

Keira Chue

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